The Sprinkler Sprinkled - How Cinema Was Born

#99 – The Sprinkler Sprinkled (1895) (L’Arroseur Arrosé)

The world’s first known narrative film was a 45-second long film from the Lumière Brothers, who are often seen as the fathers of cinema. But were they the fathers after all? When were the moving images invented? Is it even possible to say when the cinema was born? Tracking down the ‘firsts’ of film may be much more difficult than expected.

L’Arroseur Arrosé (1895). Starring François Clerc, Benoît Duval. Directed by Louis Lumière.

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Hosted by Karri Ojala and Henrik Telkki. Edit by Karri Ojala. The Flick Lab theme tune by Nick Grivell.

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